Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hey everybody! This is my first blog that I’m writing and I hope you will enjoy it. The blog is a project for my course „International Advertising” that I took this summer semester at the University of Trier. Aim here is to analyze a global brand name and its international advertising presence. I decided to take a look of the case of the brand Heineken. Why a beer brand name? Well, it’s summer, we got the UEFA European Football Championship and I live in Germany, where beer is one of the most famous and popular drink. But for my analysis I’ll be considering the presence of Heineken TV commercials launched for Mexico and Russia. I thought that it’ll be interesting to have a look at countries, where the consumption of beer is not so much. If you think of Mexico’s most popular drink, you’ll be probably come up with tequila – the national drink and essence of Mexico. And if you think of Russia’s most notable drink, it’ll be definitely vodka. So let’s just find out what kind of strategies uses Heineken International to achieve winning in the market of Mexico and Russia – enjoy it!